WHEREAS, Title 6, Subtitle C, Local Government Code (Local Government Records Act) provides that a municipality must establish by ordinance an active and continuing records management program to be administered by a Records Management Officer; and

WHEREAS, the Village of Bailey’s Prairie (“the Village”) desires to adopt an ordinance for that purpose and to prescribe policies and procedures consistent with the Local Government Records Act and in the interests of cost-effective and efficient recordkeeping;


SECTION 1.  DEFINITION OF MUNICIPAL RECORDS.  All documents, papers, letters, books, maps, photographs, sound or video recordings, microfilm, magnetic tape, electronic media, or other information recording media, regardless of physical form or characteristic and regardless of whether public access to them is open or restricted under the laws of the state, created or received by the Village of Bailey’s Prairie, Texas, or any of its officers or employees pursuant to law or in the transaction of public business are hereby declared to be the records of the Village and shall be created, maintained, and disposed of in accordance with the provisions of this ordinance or procedures authorized by it and in no other manner.

SECTION 2.  ADDITIONAL DEFINITIONS. (1) “Department head” means the officer who by ordinance or administrative policy is in charge of an office of the Village that creates or receives records.

            (2)  “Essential record” means any record of the Village necessary to the resumption or continuation of its operations in an emergency or disaster, to the re-creation of its legal and financial status, or to the protection and fulfillment of obligations to the people of the state.

            (3)  “Permanent record” means any record of the Village for which the retention period on a records control schedule is given as permanent.

            (4)  “Records control schedule” means a document prepared by or under the authority of the Records Management Officer listing the records maintained by the Village, their retention periods, and other records disposition information that the records management program may require.

            (5)  “Records management” means the application of management techniques to the creation, use, maintenance, retention, preservation, and disposal of records for the purposes of reducing the costs and improving the efficiency of recordkeeping. The term includes the development of records control schedules, the management of filing and information retrieval systems, the protection of essential and permanent records, the economical and space-effective storage of inactive records, control over the creation and distribution of forms, reports, and correspondence, and the management of micrographics and electronic and other records storage systems.

            (6)  “Records management officer” means the person designated in Section 5 of this ordinance.

            (7)  “Records management plan” means the plan developed under Section 6 of this ordinance.

            (8)  “Retention period” means the minimum time that must pass after the creation, recording, or receipt of a record, or the fulfillment of certain actions associated with a record, before it is eligible for destruction.

SECTION 3.  MUNICIPAL RECORDS DECLARED PUBLIC PROPERTY.  All municipal records as defined in Sec. 1 of this ordinance are hereby declared to be the property of the Village.  No municipal official or employee has, by virtue of his or her position, any personal or property right to such records even though he or she may have developed or compiled them.  The unauthorized destruction, removal from files, or use of such records is prohibited.

SECTION 4.  POLICY.  It is hereby declared to be the policy of the Village to provide for efficient, economical, and effective controls over the creation, distribution, organization, maintenance, use, and disposition of all municipal records through a comprehensive system of integrated procedures for their management from creation to ultimate disposition, consistent with the requirements of the Texas Local Government Records Act and accepted records management practice.

SECTION 5.  DESIGNATION OF RECORDS MANAGEMENT OFFICER.  The Village Secretary, and the successive holders of said office,  shall serve as Records Management Officer for the Village. As provided by state law, each successive holder of the office shall file his or her name with the director and librarian of the Texas State Library within thirty days of the initial designation or of taking up the office, as applicable.

SECTION 6.  RECORDS MANAGEMENT PLAN TO BE DEVELOPED; APPROVAL OF PLAN; AUTHORITY OF PLAN. (a) The Records Management Officer shall develop a records management plan for the Village for submission to the Village. The plan must contain policies and procedures designed to reduce the costs and improve the efficiency of recordkeeping, to adequately protect the essential records of the municipality, and to properly preserve those records of the municipality that are of historical value.  The plan must be designed to enable the Records Management Officer to carry out his or her duties prescribed by state law and this ordinance effectively. See also Subsection 9 (c), which approves an existing plan. That plan satisfies the Records Management Officer’s obligation to develop an initial records management plan, but it does not impair any ongoing obligations of the Records Management Officer.

            (b)  Once approved by the Board of Aldermen the records management plan shall be binding on all offices, departments, divisions, programs, commissions, bureaus, boards, committees, or similar entities of the Village and records shall be created, maintained, stored, microfilmed, or disposed of in accordance with the plan.

            (c) State law relating to the duties, other responsibilities, or recordkeeping requirements of a department head do not exempt the department head or the records in the department head’s care from the application of this ordinance and the records management plan adopted under it and may not be used by the department head as a basis for refusal to participate in the records management program of the Village

SECTION 7.  DUTIES OF RECORDS MANAGEMENT OFFICER.  In addition to other duties assigned in this ordinance, the Records Management Officer shall:

            (1)  administer the records management program and provide assistance to department heads in its implementation;

            (2)  plan, formulate, and prescribe records disposition policies, systems, standards, and procedures;

            (3)  in cooperation with department heads identify essential records and establish a disaster plan for each municipal office and department to ensure maximum availability of the records in order to re-establish operations quickly and with minimum disruption and expense;

            (4)  develop procedures to ensure the permanent preservation of the historically valuable records of the Village;

            (5)  establish standards for filing and storage equipment and for recordkeeping supplies;

            (6)  study the feasibility of and, if appropriate, establish a uniform filing system and a forms design and control system for the Village;

            (7)  monitor records retention schedules and administrative rules issued by the Texas State Library and Archives Commission to determine if the records management program and the Village’s records control schedules are in compliance with state regulations;

            (8)  disseminate to the Village and department heads information concerning state laws and administrative rules relating to local government records;

            (9)  ensure that the maintenance, preservation, microfilming, destruction, or other disposition of the records of the Village are carried out in accordance with the policies and procedures of the records management program and the requirements of state law;

            (10)  maintain records on the volume of records destroyed under approved records control schedules or through records destruction authorization requests, the volume of records microfilmed or stored electronically, and the estimated cost and space savings as the result of such disposal or disposition;

            (11)  report annually to the Board of Aldermen on the implementation of the records management plan in each department of the Village, including summaries of the statistical and fiscal data compiled under Subsection (10); and 

            (12)  bring to the attention of the Board of Aldermen non-compliance by department heads or other municipal personnel with the policies and procedures of the records management program or the Local Government Records Act.

SECTION 8.  DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES OF DEPART­MENT HEADS. In addition to other duties assigned in this ordinance, department heads shall:

            (1)  cooperate with the Records Management Officer in carrying out the policies and procedures established in the Village for the efficient and economical management of records and in carrying out the requirements of this ordinance;

            (2)  adequately document the transaction of government business and the services, programs, and duties for which the department head and his or her staff are responsible; and

            (3)  maintain the records in his or her care and carry out their preservation, microfilming, destruction, or other disposition only in accordance with the policies and procedures of the records management program of the Village and the requirements of this ordinance.

SECTION 9.  RECORDS CONTROL SCHEDULES TO BE DEVELOPED; APPROVAL; FILING WITH STATE.  (a) The Records Management Officer, in cooperation with department heads, shall prepare records control schedules on a department by department basis listing all records series created or received by the department and the retention period for each series. Records control schedules shall also contain such other information regarding the disposition of municipal records as the records management plan may require.

            (b)  Each records control schedule shall be monitored and amended as needed by the Records Management Officer on a regular basis to ensure that it is in compliance with records retention schedules issued by the state and that it continues to reflect the recordkeeping procedures and needs of the department and the records management program of the Village.

            (c)  Before its adoption a records control schedule or amended schedule for a department must be approved by the department head and the Board of Aldermen. The records control schedule attached hereto and incorporated herein in full is hereby approved by the Board of Aldermen.

            (d)  Before its adoption a records control schedule must be submitted to and accepted for filing by the director and librarian as provided by state law. If a schedule is not accepted for filing, the schedule shall be amended to make it acceptable for filing. The Records Management Officer shall submit the records control schedules to the director and librarian.

SECTION 10.  IMPLEMENTATION OF RECORDS CONTROL SCHEDULES; DESTRUCTION OF RECORDS UNDER SCHEDULE.  (a)  A records control schedule for a department that has been approved and adopted under Section 9 shall be implemented by department heads according to the policies and procedures of the records management plan.

            (b)  A record whose retention period has expired on a records control schedule shall be destroyed unless an open records request is pending on the record, the subject matter of the record is pertinent to a pending law suit, or the department head requests in writing to the Records Management Officer that the record be retained for an additional period.

            (c)  Prior to the destruction of a record under an approved records control schedule, authorization for the destruction must be obtained by the Records Management Officer from the Board of Aldermen. 

SECTION 11.  DESTRUCTION OF UNSCHEDULED RECORDS. A record that has not yet been listed on an approved records control schedule may be destroyed if its destruction has been approved in the same manner as a record destroyed under an approved schedule and the Records Management Officer has submitted to and received back from the director and librarian an approved destruction authorization request. 

Section 12.  SEVERANCE CLAUSE.         If any part of this ordinance, of whatever size, is ever declared invalid or unenforceable for any reason, the remainder of this ordinance shall remain in full force and effect.

Section 13. EFFECTIVE DATE.     This ordinance shall be effective immediately upon its passage and approval.

READ, PASSED, AND APPROVED this ___________ day of ________________, 2015.

Village of Bailey’s Prairie, Texas


  Jo Mapel, Mayor



Johnye Brown, Village Secretary

Village/Ordinance/Records Management



Document TypeDescriptionRetention periodNotes
AgendasOpen MeetingsIf minutes describe all proceedings, 2 years; otherwise PERMANENT 
 Closed Meetings2 years 
MinutesWritten MinutesPERMANENT 
 Notes taken during meeting from which minutes are prepared90 days after approval of written minutes 
 Audiotapes of meetings where no written record preparedPERMANENT 
 Supporting Documentation – one copy of each document of any type submitted for consideration, approval or other action2 years if action taken is otherwise reflected in minutesAll documents must be retained 2 years  BUT care should be exercised in disposal
Ordinances, Orders and Resolutions PERMANENT 
Petitions Final Action + 2 years“final Action” includes decision to take no action
Proclamation 2 years 
Accident ReportsOn government property3 years from date of report  (if no claim filed) or  from settlement of claim 
Affidavit of PublicationPublication of Municipal OrdinancePERMANENT 
 Publication of Election noticesElection Day  +22 months 
 All other legal notices2 years 
Jurisdictional RecordsRecords of annexation, Dis-annexation or other matters affecting territorial jurisdictionPERMANENT 
Contracts, Leases and AgreementsExcept Construction Contracts4 years after termination 
Correspondence, Internal Memos and subject files Administrative -regarding formal programs, projects, etc +4 years General – routine operation of program, projects or services of govt +2 years Routine – internal memos/ correspondence and subject files  AVCorrespondence concerning another category of records are subject to that period (i.e. Claims or reports herein detailed)
DeedsTitle opinions, abstracts, certificates – evidencing public ownership of propertyPERMANENT 
EasementsEasements or ROW for public worksPERMANENT 
Insuring Policies 5 years after expiration 
Legal OpinionsFormal opinions by counsel or AGPERMANENT 
Litigation Case Files AV after decision is final or govt decides not to pursue 
Public Relations RecordsNews, Press Releases2 years 
Public Information RequestsNon-exempt RecordsDate of request +1 year 
 Exempted RecordsDate notification of exemption +2 years 
Permits and LicensesSales, solicitation, facility usage etc.  Does not include construction, health, sanitationExp, revocation or denial + 2 years 
Photographs, Images, Recordings and other non-textual material AVMay require PERMANENT retention for historic reasons
Policy/Procedure manuals Expired/discontinued +5 years 
PublicationsBy Govt BodyOne copy – PERMANENT 
Records ManagementRecord control scheduleUS 
 Records documenting destruction of records under record schedule including requests to destroy permanent records that have been microfilmed by State LibraryPREMANENT 
Reports and Studies (Non-fiscal) Annual Reports – PERMANENT Special Reports- PERMANENT Monthly, bi-monthly,quarterly or semi-annual reports – 3 years Working papers – 3 years Activity reports – 1 year 
Waivers of Liability 3 years from date of cessation of activity 
Conflicts Disclosure StatementsChap 176, LGCFiling +3 years 
List of Local Govt OfficersChap 176, LGSUS +1 year 
Calendar, Appts and Itinerary CE +1 year 
Insurance ClaimsProperty, Liability, TheftSettlement or denial +3 years 
Fiscal Audit RecordsAnnual or any other auditPERMANENT 
 Working papers, summaries or similar records3 years after all questions arising from the audit are resolved 
Bond RecordsProposals, prospectus, studies associated with issuance; bond registersPERMANENT 
BudgetsAnnual Budgets (incl amendments)PERMANENT 
 Special Budgets (i.e. capital improvements, grant funded projects or on emergency basis not in annual budget)PERMANENT 
 Encumbrance and Expenditure records2 years 
 Budget change documentations2 years 
Capital Assets RecordsRecords pertaining to costs and disposal authorization; depreciationFE of disposal date +5 years 
 Auction or sale of government owned assets1 year 
Federal Revenue SharingRecords of use of funds used by local govt5 years 
Financial ReportsMonthly, bi-monthly, quarterly or semi-annualFE +3 years 
 Annual reports, long range planning, capital improvement reportsPERMANENT 
Grant DevelopmentSuccessful grant application, terms which modify grant, financial, performance and compliance records submitted to grantorFE +3 years 
 Reports, planning material, etc used for successful grant application+3 years 
Investment TransactionsDocuments associated with investment of public fundsFE +5 years 
Accounts Payable and DisbursementsClaim, checks, invoices, statements or other documents that authorize or reflect disbursementsFE of date of payment +3 years 
 Funds transmittals reports to government agencies (Comptroller, etc)FE of period covered +3 years 
 AP for bond funded projectsFE of date of last bond payment +3 years 
Accounts Receivable RecordsBill copies, cash transfers, receipt books or similar records to document money owedFE of date of receipt +3 years 
 Records documenting receipt of monies by local govt which are remittable to State ComptrollerRemittance Due +5 years 
 Receipts for cash deposits (water/wastewater)FE of return of deposit +3 years 
Banking RecordsBank statements, canceled checks, deposit slips, check registers, etcFE + 5 years 
Cost Allocation and DistributionRecords of allocation among departments; chargebacksFE +3years 
Ledgers, Journals and Entry DocumentationFor Fiscal years for which there is an auditFE +5 years 
 For Fiscal years for which there is no auditPERMANENT   
Transaction SummariesPeriodic Summaries or reports by departmentDaily – 30 days Weekly – 90 days Monthly, bi-monthly, quarterly, or semi-annual – 2 years Annual – FE +3 years 
Unclaimed Property Date reported +10 years 
Personnel Records   
Affirmative Action Plans 5 years 
Employee Selection RecordsNotes of interviews with candidates, eligibility testing, offer letters, etc2 years from creation or completion of personnel action involved 
Employee Service RecordsEmployment history, dates of employment, DOB, SSN, positions with dates, etcDate of Separation +75 years 
Employment advertisement/postings and applications 2 years from creation or receipt 
EEO reportsEEO-1,EEO-4, EEO-5 and EEO-6 reports3 years   
Equal Pay records 2 years 
Fidelity Bonds Effective life +5 
Fingerprint Cards Date of Separation +5 years 
Oaths of Office Useful life +5 years or % years after leaving position for which oath is required 
Training and Educational RecordsCertificates of completion or similar records for positions requiringDate of Separation +5 years 
Unemployment compensation claims After closed + 5 years 
Form I-9 3 years from hire or 1 year after separation 
Workers Compensation Records CE of closure +5 years 
Financial Disclosure StatementsStatements of govt. officials2 years  Campaign contributions and expenditures – see Election Code
Employee Exit Interview Date of separation +2 years 
Criminal History checks End of probationary period or after purpose is fulfilled 
Payroll Deduction Authorizations 4 years after separation 
Employee Earnings and Deductions recordsAmount and date of payment4 years Separation +75 years where pension/benefits are implicated 
Federal and State Tax Forms and reportsW-4 , W-2, 10994 years after separation 
Bids and Bid documentationSuccessful bids, Requests for proposals, bid bonds, etcFE of award +3 yearsSuccessful bids which result in a contract must be retained for same period as contract
 Unsuccessful Bids2 years 
 Requests for informal bid estimates, quotes etc. where law does not require formal bidding process1 year 
Purchase orders and ReceiptsPO’s and receiving reportsFE +3 years 
Construction Project RecordsPlanning, design, construction of govt owned facilities/structures, etcPermanent 
 Prefab storage sheds, parking lots, recreational facilitiesCompletion  + 10 yearsPermanent if closely associated with major structures or if a historical structure
Postal and Delivery Service Records 1 year 
Telephone Logs or Activity reports If used for cost allocation FE+3 years; otherwise 1 year 
Information Technology Records   
Hardware DocumentationManuals, OS requirementsUS 
Indexes, tracking Systems US 
Master File Records Until completing of third back-up cycleFollow schedule for textual records
Software Records Until new system implemented 
Input DocumentsForms designed soley for data inputUntil information is verified 
Project records 3 years after project completion 
Software Registration, Warranties, Licenses LA +3 years